Monday, 30 June 2014

Controlling Your Program Debugging By Check Point Group Setting

Step1. Go to Tx- SAAB.

Step2. Provide a name & click on Create Button.

Step3. Provide teh description & click on Continue button.

Step4. By Default this screen would appear.

Step5. Select the BREAK Radio button and SAVE it.

Step6. Select for today and continue.

Step7. Create any test program and put a statement 'BREAK-POINT ID ....'.

Step8. Execute the report and the break point would trigger as we have selected Break option in our check point group.

Step9. Make our Check point group inactive and again run the program and directly we can seen the O/P without breakpoint stop.


Saturday, 28 June 2014

Performance Measure : IF Construct Vs Switch Case

Step1. CASE Statement are little clearer and faster than IF Constructs.

Step2. O/P of five consecutive runs:


Performance Measure : Work Area Vs Field Symbol

Step1. Uses of field symbols provides better performance improvement as compared to work area.

Step2. O/P of five consecutive runs:


Performance Measure : Sorted Table Vs Hashed Table

Step1. A comparison between Sorted Table and Hashed Table.  Reading record from Sorted table uses Binary Search but the searching on a Hashed table performed by Internal Hash Algorithm. The searching cost grows on the Sorted table if the number of records increases but the searching cost on the Hashed table is always constant regardless of the number of records. So uses of Hashed table is more faster than the sorted table.

Step2. O/P of five consecutive runs:


Performance Measure : Linear Search Vs Binary Search

Step1. Searching/Reading internal table mostly required in development. Though we have the key field to read, Binary search always performs better than the Linear search.

Step2. O/P of Five consecutive runs:


Performance Measure: Single Line Vs Column Update

Step1. Program with comparison between Single line update in the   database & column update in the database.

Step2. O/P of five consecutive runs:


Friday, 27 June 2014

Uses of SUPER keyword in OOABAP

Step1. Create a program and define the constructor in both the super and sub class. Constructor is always executed form the super class to the Sub class in OO concept. So if the object of the Sub class is created, then constructor of the sub class is called first and within this sub class constructor method using the SUPER keyword the super class constructor should be called other wise  we ll receive a compile time error. So mostly SUPER keyword is used in Inheritance concept where we have same method in both the SUPER & SUB class. Execute the program.

Step2. The O/P is as follows:

Step3. Let's define a method in the super class and redefine it in the subclass as well. Call the Subclass method. Here calling the super class redefined method is optional but in case of constructor it is mandatory to call the super class constructor in the subclass constructor.

Step4. The O/P is as follows:


Uses of ME Keyword in OOABAP

Step1. Create a proram in Tx- SE38.

Step2. Execute the program and we find the below output.

Step3. Now declare a local variable within the method with the same name as the class variable & execute it.

Step4. So if the class and method contains the variable with the same name then priority is given to the local one.

Step5. To access the class variable in the method which already contains a local variable with the same name ME keyword is used which always points to the Current calling Object of the class. Execute the program.

Step6. The O/P is as follows:


Message Text Translation in Transaction - SE63

Step1. Login into the system with Language EN and in Tx- SE91 create a message class.

Step2. Provide short text and save it in a Package. Mark the Object Directory Entry 'R3TR/MSAG/ZMESSAGE_CLASS'.

Step3. PROVIDE a request number.

Step4.  Maintain any text for a message number & Save it.

Step5. Go To Tx- SE09  & open the request number under which the message class is saved. Double click on the Task number under the request.

Step6. We can see the Message class is locked in the Request/Task with the below entries.

Step7. Login with language 'DE' and open the message class. Here the message text appears in the original language as we have not yet maintained the transalation text in language in DE.

Step8. Go to the Tx- SE63(login  Language : EN). Navigate along the highlighted menu path.

Step9. Provide the below details and the target language as DE and Click on Edit button.

Step10. Expand the tree & double click on the message name.

Step11. Get the translated text. (Can take help of Google Translator).

Step12. Provide the translated text and Save it. Go Back of the transaction SE63.

Step13. Again display the Message class in the login language DE and we can see the traslated text maintained in login language EN.


Message Text Translation in Transaction- SE91

Step1. Log in to the system in EN language and Go to Tx- SE91. Create a Message class.

Step2. Create some message. Now we need to translate the Message text from English to German Language.

Step3. Get the Translation text ready before maintaining it. In this case from Google  Translator.

Step4. Select the First message '000' & from the Menu click on Translation option.

Step5. Provide the target language as 'DE'. and Continue.

Step6. Maintain the Translated DE text and Save it. Go Back.

Step7. Now Login again with Language DE and Open the message class in Tx- SE91.  We can see the first message for which we have maintained translated language appears in the translated language and other messages appears in original language for which no translation is maintained.

Step8. Get the tranlsated text for the second message

Step9. Select the Second message and navigate along the menu path to maintain the translation text.

Step10. Specify the target language and click on Continue button.

Step11. Maintain the translated text and Save it.

Step12. See the message class with login language 'DE'. So all the messages for which translation is maintained appears in that language.


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