Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Creation of Text table and linking it to the main table

Scenario : Text table is a table that contains all the primary key fields of the main table along with language field(SPRAS). The text table contains a text field for the description in different languages.
The cardinality of is 1:N with respect to the main table. That means for a single record in the main table there can be N number of records in the text table.

Step1. Go to SE11.

Step2. Provide the main table name and click on create button.

Step3. Provide the delivery class details. Save it and click on Technical settings button.

Step4. Provide the details, save it and click on the back button.

Step5. Provide some field and activate the table.

Step6. Click on the highlighted path to display the Text Table of it.

Step7. A message is displayed as highlighted below.

Step8.  Now Go to SE11 to create the Text table.

Step9. Provide the text table name and click on Create button.

Step10.  Provide the details, save it and click on Technical settings button.

Step11. Provide  the details, save it and click on the back button.

Step12. Maintain the key fields properly with the SPRAS(language) field and activate the table.

Step13. Now select the MANDT field and click on the Foreign Key button.

Step14. Teh system automatically ask for the confirmation. Press YES to continue.

Step15. The system automatically proposes the check table as T000. just click on the COPY button .

Step16. Now select the SPRAS field and click on the Foreign Key button as highlighted.

Step17. Press YES to continue.

Step18. The system automatically proposes T002 table as the check table. Just press COPY button.

Step19. Now select the ID line and click on the  foreign key button.

Step20. The system automatically opens a popup screen without check table details.

Step21. Now put the table ZCOUNTRY as the check table and click on generate proposal button.
Select the Foreign key field type as KEY FIELDS OF A TEXT TABLE. Provide cardinality as 1:N  and at last click on COPY button.

Step22. Activate the Text table.

Step23. Now go to the Main table ZCOUNTRY. Click on the menu Goto and press text table.

Step24. It navigates to the text table ZCOUNTRY_TXT.


Sunday, 27 October 2013

Creation of View Cluster

View Cluster: is generally a hierarchical arrangement of data the is distributed across multiple tables with foreign key relationship.

Step1. Go to SE11 and create a maintenance view. Provide the name and click on create button.

Step2. Select the Maintenance view radio button and click on Copy button.

Step3. Provide the description and in the Tables tab provide 'SCARR' as table name and click on View Fields.

Step4. All the key fields are automatically added to the view. To add more fields click on the button Table fields.

Step5. Select some fields and click on Copy button to add.

Step6. All the selected fields of the table are added to the view. now activate the view.

Step7. Creating the Table maintenance generator. Navigate along the highlighted path.

Step8. Provide the function group name, screen number and click on the create button to complete the TMG and then Go BACK.

Step9. Now click on the Contents button.

Step10. It shows all the records.

Step11.  Go to SE11 and create a maintenance view. Provide the name and click on create button.

Step12. Select the Maintenance view radio button and click on Copy button.


Step13.  Provide the description and in the Tables tab provide 'SPFLI' as table name and click on View Fields.

Step14.  All the key fields are automatically added to the view. To add more fields click on the button Table fields.

Step15. Select some fields and click on Copy button to add.

Step16. All the selected fields of the table are added to the view. Now activate the view. Now Under the COLUMN 'P' provide value 'S' for MANDT and CARRID.  S- as a subset. The records are displayed based on these two fields.

Step17.  Creating the Table maintenance generator. Navigate along the highlighted path.

Step18. Provide the function group name, screen number and click on the create button to complete the TMG and then go BACK.

Step19. Now click on the Contents button.

Step20. As these fields are defined as 'S' under the column 'P', when clicked on the contents button a popup is called based on which the records are populated.

Step21. The records are displayed as shown below.

Step22.  Go to SE11 and create a maintenance view. Provide the name and click on create button.

Step23. Select the Maintenance view radio button and click on Copy button.

Step24. Provide the description and in the Tables tab provide 'SFLIGHT' as table name and click on View Fields.

Step25.  All the key fields are automatically added to the view. To add more fields click on the button Table fields.

Step26. Select some fields and click on Copy button to add.

Step27. All the selected fields of the table are added to the view. Now activate the view.

Step28. Creating the Table maintenance generator. Navigate along the highlighted path.

Step29. Provide the function group name, screen number and click on the create button to complete the TMG and then go BACK.

Step30. Now click on the Contents button.


Step31. As these fields are defined as 'S' under the column 'P', when clicked on the contents button a popup is called based on which the records are populated.


Step32. The records are displayed as shown below.

Step33. All the maintenance view are created to create a View Cluster. Now go to TCODE-SE54.


Step34. Click on the Edit View Cluster Button.

Step35. Provide the View Cluster Name and click on the Create button.

Step36. Under the Header Entry, provide short text and double click on Object Structure.

Step37. Under Object Structure Click on New Entries Button.


Step38.  Now provide the three above created maintenance view in hierarchical manner. Provide the short text for all. Set the position. Select the view 'ZMV_SCARR' as the start. 

Step39. Now select the first line and click on Field-dependence button.

Step40. A success message is displayed for the same.

Step41. Now select the second line and click on Field-dependence button.

Step42. A success message is displayed for the same.

Step43. Now select the third line and click on Field-dependence button.

Step44.  A success message is displayed for the same. at last click on the BACK button .

Step45.  In the Header Entry section, click on the Activate button.

Step46. Click on the YES button and Go BACK.

Step47. Click on the TEST button to test the View Cluster.

Step48. Now the records from 'ZMV_SCARR' is displayed.

Step49. Select a particular line and double click on the 'SPFLI' line.


Step50. All the records based on the CARRID is displayed.

Step51. Now select a particular line under 'SPFLI' and double click on SFLIGHT .

Step52. Based on that all records form ZMV_SFLIGHT is displayed.


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