Friday, 14 November 2014

SCRIPT: Multiple ways to debug a SAP Script.

Step1. We have the Script with the page window containing one MAIN Window.

Step2. We have the below commands inside the text element TXT_ELEM_1. Go back and activate the script.

Step3.  Go to home page of SE71 tcode and from the menu select activate debugger.

Step4. Execute the program that calls the script.

Step5. click on OK to continue.

Step6. The set debugger is triggered. Click F5 or Single step button.

Step7. So here the START_FORM triggered.  Press F5 multiple times.

Step8. The structure information which is passed form the program appears in the script. Press F8 multiple times.

Step9. At last the output appears.

Step10. Another way to execute the PROGRAM- RSTXDBUG in SE38 transaction.

Step11. So here we receive the success message after executing the program.

Step12. run our driver program.

Step13. Click on OK button to continue.

Step14. So here we are in the Script in debugging mode. To Exit from menu select Exit.

Step15. The O/P appears.


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