Saturday 25 April 2015

How to Create Number Range Object [Tx- SNRO]

Step1. Go to Tx- SNRO

Step2. Provide an object name and click on create button.

Step3. Provide the details and Save.

Step4. Choose Yes.

Step5. Go Back.

Step6. Click on Number Ranges button.

Step7. Click on Change Intervals button.

Step8. The below screen appears, click on + Interval button.

Step9.  The below screen appears.

Step10. Provide the interval number and the limits and hit enter key.

Step11. Click on Save. So number range object with interval is created.

Step12. Continue.

Step13. Create a program and call the below FM and pass the number range object and range number. Execute the program.

Step14. The program output. Each time the program executed a new next number is generated.


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